We are is a leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Exporter of Automatic Syrup, Paste, Tube, Ointment, Honey, Sauce, Peanut butter, Balm, Petroleum jelly, Mayonnaise, Hot wax, Shampoo & hair oil Filling Machine in India. The Automatic Six Head Volumetric Linear Liquid Bottle Filling Machine, Model LIQFILL-120 is suitable for Bottles with maximum speed of 120 Bottles per minute. The output of Bottle Filling Machines depending on nature of Liquids, Bottle Diameter, Bottle Height, Bottle Neck Size and Fill Volume. Machine construction in fully Stainless Steel finish including machine frame structure. Machine with Optional Turn Tables at In-feed and Out-feed with individual drives to match the speed of incoming and outgoing Bottles for smoother operation. All parts coming in contact with Liquids are made from S.S. 316 Material.
Note:- We have specific machine for all applications mentioned here.